lördag 15 september 2012


Hey everybody!

Our first post from NZ! It's our second day in Auckland but it feels like we've been here longer than that. After our 34 h trip we arrived at YHA International Auckland (feeling kind of gross) and were surprised by how cozy and nice the hostel was. There's a huge kitchen and the rooms are very nice so we actually booked an extra night. We had originally planned on staying until today but now it looks like we will be leaving Auckland tomorrow.

We spent the first afternoon walking around the city and harbour in shorts (even though it was probabaly only 15 degrees, but hello, we're Swedish and it was sunny!). That night we went to bed early to try to fix our jet-lag and ended up sleeping for 12 hours. The weather was worse yesterday, it was rainy and kind of dull, so we spent the morning at an internet cafe (the same one we're at now) and started lookning for a car to buy and some farms to contact. We didn't have any luck yesterday but hope to do better today. The afternoon wasn't that exciting either; we had an amazing meal consisting of cottage cheese, yoghurt, bananas and bread and ended up taking a well-needed power nap (or two) afterwards. Dinner at the hostel with a nice German girl who lives in our room ended the day.

 Chilling in the harbour

 Auckland Sky Tower
Lunch at the hostel

Hop everyone's great, we are!! Don't know when we'll have internet again but we'll keep you posted about what's going on. And oh, I think we managed to change something in the settings so hopefully you'll be able to comment now :) And please, COMMENT!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Låter som ni har kul!!!
    +14 i Sverige oxå. Erkén Open spelade igår och vi hade en trevlig middag alla grabbar efteråt hos oss. Jag kom ihåg att det var ganska krångligt att hitta en bil så man måste ha lite tålamod där.
    Kramar / Pappa

  2. åååh kan inte fatta att ni är där! Men kul att höra att allt är bra med i alla fall:)! saknar förresten att ha någon att promenera med redan;)...
    Men Puss och Kram på er/Carro

  3. Hej från Anton och mig! ajax o andreas hälsar oxå. Kul att se era bilder, hoppas bilköpet blir bra. Kör försiktigt!! Kram, Mamma o Anton
